When I use the term "commonwealth"

…it also means Republic.

It refers to the gross product associated with New Afrikans, especially via labor, intellectual creations, levies, or third-party instruments attached to living or dead beings.

For those who think we don’t have wealth, and for those that think that we aren’t common, think again. Especially those who want to pick apart a premise I put forth, for the sake of caping for romantic notions they cling to dearly.

I am not here to play. Peace be upon you ALL.

Black August Begins

Black August 2022 is here!

I’m observing a modified fast from 6am to 6pm daily. How will you be observing?

  • No drugs

  • No alcohol

  • No fast food

  • No mainstream TV

  • No sweets.

Get it with it; and because of a conversation I had yesterday about being a champion of what I represent, feel free to learn more about the observation here.

Waiting to Exhale

As a people that have never enjoyed the right to self-rule and the order that comes along with it, if we are able to ever HEAL from all which our ancestors endured and passed down thru a not-yet-fully developed (stunted) culture…

We need a space where we can be alone to ourselves.

We have too many different forms of propaganda in our midst, which is postponing our full evolution as an ethnic group.

We need safe space...to grow.

Please respect OUR wishes.

The Closing The Racial Wealth Gap Convention Will be Televised

Somehow, you all think the so-called racial wealth gap can be closed by simply wishing it away with the high frequency prayers of poverty pimps at hollow meetings throughout the country. Chants of diversity, equity, and inclusion for whatever imagined disadvantaged multi-hyphenated pot drown out the more focused dialogue about New Afrikan (African American) reparations in the form of 40 acres and a mule plus interest.

We need to understand how this thing really works. As a mixed economy, collectivism is the base of American capitalism. If We don’t create the collective (THE POT OF MONEY, on Our terms, in Our banks, with Our systems) then there won’t be any closing of anything. And in 200 years, there won’t be enough of Us to begin to try to focus in on anything. Ask me why away from an open forum.

These people (the “cultured” bourgeoisie) have led us down a dangerous path to the witch’s oven over the past 60 years. And we will be eaten if we don’t wake up. Cue up Brother Dap!

Call me Jim

Self determination can start with something as simple as a name.


Ray Dalio's Principles...Now As An Animated Mini Series

Anyone that has been close enough to my planet over the past few months has heard me rave about, and even gift this book: Ray Dalio's Principles, as it is a piece of validation of my operations work over the past few years (that I paused when sales plateaued in 2015-16). 

I highly recommend buying a copy by clicking the link above. 

Because we all have different learning styles, I am glad that Mr. Dalio and his team saw it fit to create a fun, animated mini-series for us to absorb his philosophy better. Feel free to subscribe to his YouTube channel, and we can talk about what principles resonated with you most over a meal or at the next time we bump into one another in the community!




Story LINE: Obama Farewell Ticket Line Life Lessons (1 of 2)

It figures that Barack Obama, in his farewell address of his presidency, would host the affair in Chicago. This is the city that made him; coming to the crib to say "Peace out, world" with a DJ Pharris "This Chicago n*&!@" drop somewhere in the mix is only right. But why would the tickets would be handed out to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis at 8 a.m. on a Saturday? This is Chicago. Chicagoans don't do lines! At least black Chicago doesn't...supposedly.



How Delayed Payments Hold Construction Companies Back

I received an email from a merchant cash advance/receivables factoring company I've used in the past this morning, and must say that I found the email content valuable. Especially during a great 2016 that has seen its overwhelming share of delayed payments, delayed projects, and negative cash flow. I caution every small business against using any merchant cash companies that pull recurring daily or weekly debits from your operating account, as it is a quick way to make a bad situation worse. However, the resource for construction companies here is worthwhile.

Point which resonated most with me: "It takes an average of 24 days" for a construction company to get paid, while "the average construction business only has enough cash on hand to finance operations for 20 days."


That is a razor sharp cash flow cycle. Try not to get cut out here.

View the report here: Fundbox Construction Article


Found a nifty site on construction law...

I've been working in construction in some capacity for the past 9 years. I received my certificate (associate's degree) in Construction Management from Triton College, attended construction programs ranging from the Chicago Urban League to Turner Construction to HACIA, and yet I still am learning...albeit the hard way.

I've been losing a lot of money lately dealing with clients that simply do not pay on time. In the grand scheme of things, I understand it's all part of the process of sharpening my business acumen, but my education has been coming lately at the expense of my cash flow, credit, and reputation.

Construction is an industry that seeks to shift as much of its costs and risk down to the subcontractors as possible. It is therefore imperative that subcontractors know the rules of the game before they play. This site, provided by the good people at Wolf, Slatkin & Madison, is a good resource for any sub that wants to brush up on their knowledge of construction law. Use it.

And never sign a contract with a general contractor that says PAY IF PAID. Seek legal counsel before signing anything.

Just Because We Can't See It Doesn't Mean It Isn't There...

There is no such thing as distance on the higher plane. Every thing is everywhere, nowhere, and seemingly right there at your disposal at the same time. The challenge of life is to see it, to grab it, and expand it. Only you define what "it" is.